Test&Review: Artax GL on www.marathonmtb.com
"What stood out for me was the ability to sit exactly where I wanted without feeling the saddle. I could push back to really drive on the flats, or shift forward to keep the front wheel grounded on steep climbs. ...
Test&Review - Prime o Artax? Il punto di vista di CT
Prime 3.0 o Artax? Si assomigliano ma la differenza c'è, ed è sostanziale. Shape tondo nella prima, semi-piatto nella seconda. Differente anche l'imbottitura. In comune hanno la rigidità data dal carbonio, un rapporto costo/qualità che non teme...
The winner of the CX Giro d'Italia 2022 has equipped all his bikes with Repente saddles
A big name in the Italian off-road joins the group of pro athletes w...
Off.road.cc, Gear of the Year: "Saddles rarely stand out, until I tested Artax GLM"
Successes are not achieved only on the competition fields. The authoritative British website off.road.cc has compiled the Gear of the year, a selection of its favorite tech of 2022 and Artax has turned out to b...