LCF: high mechanical properties with less weight
Prime, Spyd, Quasar, Artax: these are the saddles made with the technology that Repente has called LCF (Long Carbon Fibers), whose peculiarity is to use long carbon fibers to significantly increas...
Prime, Spyd, Quasar, Artax: these are the saddles made with the technology that Repente has called LCF (Long Carbon Fibers), whose peculiarity is to use long carbon fibers to significantly increas...
Anatomy and ergonomics. The comfort of the Repente saddles comes from the combined study of the morphology of the human body and its interaction with the saddle.
In addition to the session “Close Fit”, which...
What is the difference between deformable and non-deformable structure and materials? This question requires careful consideration and is relevant during the saddle selection process. The answer can be found within structural engineering and ph...
GEAR PATROL. When it comes to cycling gear, the best stuff always feels as if it isn’t there. You want bibs that are comf...