Test & Review - Bici.pro: Prime 3.0, leggera, funzionale e comoda
"Grande comfort e un pieno supporto in ogni sua parte, queste sono le caratteristiche fornite nell’immediato dalla sella Repente Prime 3.0, ma non finisce qui. A queste si aggiunge una libertà di movim...
Test & Review - off.road.cc: "Artax GLM, extremely comfortable with competitive weight and suitable for on or off-road use"
Artax is the saddle that we have dedicated to gravel cycling, but it's proving a really versatile saddle. This is also the opinion of Matt Page, journalist of off.road.cc, who tested the GLM version (142 mm wid...
Test & Review - "Artax GL, a fantastic saddle for any gravel or cross country race bike"
“Weighing in at just 165 grams, the Repente Artax GL is impressively light, despite its added padding and robust design. Lightweight, stiff, friction-free and superbly comfortable – the Artax GL fr...
Test & Review. Bike Café: "Artax, a light and comfortable saddle"
Laurent Biger has spent some time pedaling on an Artax GL saddle. This the review he wrote for www.bike-cafe.fr.