LCF: high mechanical properties with less weight
Prime, Spyd, Quasar, Artax: these are the saddles made with the technology that Repente has called LCF (Long Carbon Fibers), whose peculiarity is to use long carbon fibers to significantly increas...
Test & Review - Prime 3.0, leggera, funzionale e comoda
"Grande comfort e un pieno supporto in ogni sua parte, queste sono le caratteristiche fornite nell’immediato dalla sella Repente Prime 3.0, ma non finisce qui. A queste si aggiunge una libertà di movim...
Test & Review - Spyd 3.0 reviewed by
Let's begin from the end. This is how the American cycling website closes its review of the Repente Spyd 3.0 saddle:
"At 179€, the SPYD 3.0 makes for an excellent value. Moreover, ...